What To Do When You're Facing the Unknown

Being in women’s ministry for many years, the concern I hear most often from women boils down to this: the UNKNOWN. We’re not even that concerned about what the plan is. We just want to KNOW what the plan is. We hate the unknown.

When we move there are so many unknowns. Where will we live? Who will be my friend? Who will be my daughter's friends? Finding a hairdresser, babysitter....a trustworthy babysitter. What about the unknown during failing health? There are symptoms. You’ve Googled them and now you’re scared to death, but really it’s still the unknown.

I’m going to share with you what Paul has to say about the Unknown. Grab your Bible and turn to Acts, Chapter 20.

The Time I Yelled “SHARK!”: Thinking Before We Speak

I said one word - “Shark” - and it caused panic and chaos. Our words can cause problems that spiral out of control and do great damage.

So, we need to think before we speak. I should have made my message clearer and thought about what other people were hearing. I thought I was screaming, “Rare opportunity!" What they heard was, “Danger!” Isn’t that the challenge of communication? What we want to communicate and what is heard can be very different.

In the comments below share with me: who do you need to speak words of encouragement to today? There are many opportunities throughout each day to speak positive, powerful words into the lives of others.

Carrying People to Jesus (and the Excuses that Stop Us)

Are you an obstacle to someone else knowing Jesus? Today, I'm going to talk about excuses we make that prevent us from carrying people to Jesus. We'll take a look at Mark 2:1-5, so grab your Bible and join me to see how we can overcome these excuses.

How to go from “Mama” to “Hot Mama” in 4 Easy Steps

After a full day of being a Mom, it can be challenging to switch roles to “Hot Mama.” In this podcast, I’m going to talk about how to go from “Mama” to “Hot Mama” in 4 easy steps. Number 3 might shock you but it’s the easiest and most powerful step!

3 Tools to Better Your Marriage

I love being married and I want that for you, too! In this podcast, I share three tools to help take your marriage to the next level.

3 Steps to Cleaning Up the Mess I Made

I don’t know about you, but me... well, I mess up. I make mistakes. The Bible is full of people who sinned and messed up but they didn’t allow it to stop them from moving forward. In this podcast, I’m going to talk about 3 steps to clean up the mess.

Losing My Religion at the Airport

Where do you find yourself losing your religion? The airport is where I turn into a crazy woman. Or what about the "12 items or less" checkout lane at the grocery store? Need I say more?!? How do you instead CHOOSE to show grace?

Put FIGHT in Your Marriage

If you put FIGHT in your marriage, it can be powerful!! It's about being intentional in your marriage rather than just always assuming everything is fine. Because if we’re not intentional, next thing we know, everything is not fine.

Who You Are in Christ: Part 1

Oftentimes we allow other people or circumstances to tell us who we are. What would happen if we let God tell us who we are? Join us for the first video in a three-part series to learn powerful Biblical truths about who you are in Christ.

The first truth is that we are loved! 1 John 4:19 tells us that God loved us first! That's where it all begins; everything else stems from this truth. Once we accept this to be true, we will see our lives changing and our ability to love others growing stronger.

3 Characteristics of Christian Friendship

If we look at our Facebook page, it looks like we have a huge group of friends. But if that’s true, why are we so lonely? In this podcast, I’m going to share 3 characteristics of Christian friendships that are critical for healthy relationships.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: 3 Things That Keep Us From Answering God’s Call

We want so much to respond with a loud “YES!” when we feel that God has called us to move, to do something different. But many of us are afraid to get away from our comfort zone and step out in faith.
Today I’m going to share with you 3 common things that make us hesitate - or even say no - when we feel the call of God.
My hope is that after listening to this podcast you’ll be encouraged to step out in faith. Trust God’s call on your life. You’ll be so glad you did!

5 Ways to Connect with Teenagers

Teenagers. Just that one word can send us moms and dads running for the hills. Over the years, though, I've become a huge fan of young adults. I LOVE teenagers and am a strong advocate for how awesome they are! I’m not cool - never have been, as a teen myself or as an adult.  So what is the SECRET to becoming a magnet for teenagers?

In this podcast, I’m sharing with you five ways to connect with teenagers. Numbers four and five are important, but points one, two, and three are critical! And it's best to start as early as possible with your children.

The Power of S.L.A.C.K. in Communication: How to Have a Winning Relationship

I did an informal survey of married women and asked them this question: “What’s the most challenging thing about being married?” The most common answer – communication.

In today’s podcast, I’ll talk about different parts of communication: The verbal, the nonverbal, the symbolic messages, and timing. Communication can cause conflict, avoid conflict, or resolve conflict. I’ll give you a powerful tool - S.L.A.C.K. - that will help you have hard conversations without destroying your relationships.

How to Have a Christlike Attitude: 4 Steps to Change Your Attitude

Attitude! What attitude?? Did you know we aren’t called to have just a good attitude, but we’re actually called to have a Christlike attitude in ALL areas of our lives, not just the easy areas? Sometimes people and circumstances can make that, well...really hard!

Because we can’t always change our circumstances or the people around us, we need to choose to change something about ourselves. In today’s video, we'll talk about four ways to change your attitude.