
Veterans Day Address - COL (ret) Marshall Dougherty

I am so proud of my husband Marshall, an Army Veteran. A few weeks ago, he was the guest speaker for the annual Red River Valley Veterans Day Service in Texas.

He spoke of three characteristics exemplified by members of the armed services:  fitness, discipline and trust.

He also shared a few stories of his experience in the military. He highlighted three fellow military members and included military family members.

We are so thankful for our experience as a military family and want to share just a little bit of it with you during November’s Veteran’s Appreciation Month.

What Are You Wearing? Part 5 of 5

What Are You Wearing?

Colossians 3 tells us that we are Chosen, Holy and Loved!

God is telling us what to put on: patience, humility, kindness, gentleness, compassion and forgiveness….we must choose it.

But we want our feelings to decide what we’re going to wear.


If we’re out there talking the gospel but not living the gospel we confuse people. But if we talk it and walk it the world can’t help but notice.


This is the wardrobe that God handpicked for you

Jesus paid a high price for these clothes. Put them on!

What Are You Wearing? Part 4 of 5

What Are You Wearing?

Colossians 3 tells us that we are Chosen, Holy and Loved!

God is telling us what to put on: patience, humility, kindness, gentleness, compassion and forgiveness….we must choose it.

But we want our feelings to decide what we’re going to wear.


If we’re out there talking the gospel but not living the gospel we confuse people. But if we talk it and walk it the world can’t help but notice.


This is the wardrobe that God handpicked for you

Jesus paid a high price for these clothes. Put them on!

What Are You Wearing? Part 1 of 5

Colossians 3 tells us that we are Chosen, Holy and Loved!

God is telling us what to put on: patience, humility, kindness, gentleness, compassion and forgiveness….we must choose it.

But we want our feelings to decide what we’re going to wear.


If we’re out there talking the gospel but not living the gospel we confuse people. But if we talk it and walk it the world can’t help but notice.


This is the wardrobe that God handpicked for you

Jesus paid a high price for these clothes. Put them on!

The Benefits of Waiting - Really!

The Benefits of Waiting - Really!

Today I’m going to talk about waiting...I don’t like it! I want quick results. In fact, we’re being conditioned more and more each day to expect quick results, to not have to wait.

If you’ve been a Christian for more than a day, you’ve probably figured out that you can NOT rush God.

Here’s the thing...there ARE benefits of waiting. I’ll share what I’ve learned in the waiting.

3 Things you Should NEVER do if You’re Married!

3 Things you Should NEVER do if You’re Married!

First, you should never, and I mean never, be disrespectful. Now, disagreeing isn’t disrespectful. You will never agree 100% with your husband. In fact, you’re crazy if you think you will. It’s all about how you disagree that’s important.

The second thing you’ve probably heard before but need to be reminded.

The third thing...I’ll bet you’ve never given it any thought BUT it’s important!! And I think most of us mess this one up!

Rahab had two reputations: the prostitute and the woman of faith. (Part 2 of 2)

Rahab had two reputations: the prostitute and the woman of faith.


She had to choose to step out in faith. Many of our decisions have become a habit.

The story of Rahab shows the tremendous contrast between one’s past and future potential. The key is faith. It takes courage to change the course of your life. She had to put her past behind her in order to move forward in God’s plan for her life.


All my best to you,

 Tracy Lynn Dougherty

Rahab had two reputations: the prostitute and the woman of faith. (Part 1 of 2)

She had to choose to step out in faith. Many of our decisions have become a habit.

The story of Rahab shows the tremendous contrast between one’s past and future potential. The key is faith. It takes courage to change the course of your life. She had to put her past behind her in order to move forward in God’s plan for her life.

The Woman at the Well – Jesus’ Encounter with a Sinful Woman (Full Version)

The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back during a better time, he didn’t say come back when you are accepted, come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.

What’s your hard??  What’s your dark??

It’s time to EXPOSE it to the Light. Give it to Jesus.

The Woman at the Well – Jesus’ Encounter with a Sinful Woman (Part 4 of 4)

The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back during a better time, he didn’t say come back when you are accepted, come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.

What’s your hard??  What’s your dark??

It’s time to EXPOSE it to the Light. Give it to Jesus.

The Woman at the Well – Jesus’ Encounter with a Sinful Woman (Part 3 of 4)

The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back during a better time, he didn’t say come back when you are accepted, come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.

What’s your hard??  What’s your dark??

It’s time to EXPOSE it to the Light. Give it to Jesus.

The Woman at the Well – Jesus’ Encounter with a Sinful Woman (Part 2 of 4)

The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back during a better time, he didn’t say come back when you are accepted, come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.

What’s your hard??  What’s your dark??

It’s time to EXPOSE it to the Light. Give it to Jesus.

The Woman at the Well – Jesus’ Encounter with a Sinful Woman (Part 1 of 4)

The woman was in her dark place… even though it was high noon, her shame had driven her to the “dark” time to go to the well. And what did Jesus do…He didn’t say come back during a better time, he didn’t say come back when you are accepted, come back when you have it together… He met her where she was… he met her in the dark.

What’s your hard??  What’s your dark??

It’s time to EXPOSE it to the Light. Give it to Jesus.

All About Attitude!

Attitude!?! What attitude?? Sometimes, people and circumstances can make us have a negative or bad attitude.  

 In today’s video I will equip you with 4 ways to CHANGE your attitude. Because we can’t always change our circumstances or the people around us but we can CHOOSE to change something about ourselves, choose to change our attitude.

After you’ve watched the video, I would love to hear from you! Please leave your comments below and tell me, “What do you believe is the most important thought or attitude you need to change in your life? How will your life be affected if you change your attitude?


All my best to you!
Tracy Lynn Dougherty

Live your passion now!

What if you decided that in 2019 you’re going to live your passion!?! That you are going to be intentional about making sure you are spending time on what you’re passionate about.

If I looked over your calendar would I be able to see you living the life you’ve been called to live, that you desire to live?

Don’t let 2019 be just another year of doing the same ole, same ole. Start praying now about what God is calling you to and then start pursing it… do the thing. It’s not too late.

In the comments below share what’s your passion and what are you doing to live it out.

All my best to you,
Tracy Lynn Dougherty

How to get through the hard in life; what I learned on the playground.

A few summers ago, I was hanging out at the playground with some friends when the young son of a friend was trying to eat a WarHeads Extreme Sour candy.

Life can be like that piece of candy. We start to notice a not-so-pleasant taste in our mouths, we really don’t like what’s going on, then next thing we know, life has gotten really hard. The secret to when life is hard, when life isn’t palatable, is to add water, but not just any water - Living Water.

I’m going to share with you where to find the Living Water you need when you’re going through the hard of life.


In the comments below share how you get the Living Water to sustain you during the tough times of life.

All my best to you,

Tracy, you’re naked! The power of accountability.

Many of us surround ourselves with people who tell us how awesome we are, who affirm all our decisions as the right decisions, who constantly lift us up. We do need women like this but we also need women who are willing to say the hard things, the honest things.

So, let me ask you -  do you have any women who will speak truth in your life? Women who are willing to say the hard thing? I encourage you to INVITE accountability into your life because Proverbs 12:15 reminds us, “Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.”



In the comments below, share about your experience with having accountability in your life.

All my best to you,
Tracy Lynn Dougherty

The Race of Life

Recently I was on Facebook and saw a video that was so encouraging! The video was of a woman running a half marathon. Actually, she wasn’t running, she was hobbling and wobbling, she was really struggling, trying to reach the finish line. She could literally see the finish line but her body wasn’t cooperating.

Three men sacrificed their race time to help this stranger complete her race.

As you run through life, headed to your own finish line, are you paying attention? Are you aware of the people around you? Sometimes we need to come along side someone, give them a chance to take a break, catch their breath and then complete the race that has been set before them. 

 In the comments below, share your story about someone that came alongside you during a challenging time in life and gave you a chance to take a break and catch your breath.

All my best to you,

Let Your Light Shine - Obedience (Full Session)

By popular demand - welcome to the full session on “Let Your Light Shine - Obedience!” God expects His women to be obedient but obedience can be hard! In this podcast, you’ll hear why we struggle with obedience and strategies for success.

Let Your Light Shine - Obedience 4 of 4

Welcome to the final video of my 4-part series “Let Your Light Shine -  Obedience!” We’ve been talking about the tools and steps we need to take to be obedient.

We need to lean into the Holy Spirit! We cannot achieve obedience without Him. Also, we women need to encourage one another.