The Woman at the Well (2/4)
Hi ladies,
Welcome to the second part of The Woman at the Well series.
Oftentimes, we think we need to clean up before we go to Jesus. It’s like saying, “I’m going to lose weight and get strong before I go to the gym.” But God knows who we are, Jesus shows us who we really are…not who we want to be, but who we are. Imperfect. Selfish. In need of a Savior. And, here’s the best part: OVERWHELMINGLY LOVED AND FORGIVEN!
Studying the woman at the well reminded me of this scripture: "We should not make it difficult for the people who are turning to God."
I consider myself a disciple of Jesus…reading Acts 15:19 made me stop and ask myself….Who am I judging more harshly than God? Who am I making feel unwelcome, making them feel isolated? Who am I making feel like they need to go to the well at noon? Jesus simply loves her!
Stay tuned for part three next week!
All my best to you,
Tracy Lynn Dougherty