Women of Influence

3 Reasons You Need a Friend

This sounds like a strong statement, but I am terrible at making friends! Don't get me wrong...I love women. I want friends but anytime I think about finding a friend, every insecurity I have comes boiling up, screaming ugly things about myself to myself. Insecurity is awful – we’ll talk about that in another episode.

Despite the fear I have about making friends, today I want to share with you three reasons why I (and why YOU) need friends. Studies show that many women don’t have any close friends, but I think most of us would agree that is important. So why are so many of us going it alone?

“Friendship," wrote CS Lewis, “is born at that moment when one person says to another: ‘What! You, too? I thought I was the only one.’”

In the comments below, share how you push past the fear to make a friend. What's a good way to make friends?

All my best to you,


P.S. Does anyone else feel like singing out, "You've got a friend in me!" ?? ;)

Becoming Courageous, Ordinary Women - Acts 4:13

Hi friends,

Today I'm going to share a favorite verse of mine that offers me encouragement as an ordinary woman. Acts 4:13 says, "When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."

If you sometimes feel like an ordinary woman like me, take note: if you choose to spend time with Jesus, He will give you the courage to be bold. You will be anything but ordinary. Check out the podcast below to hear more. In it, I talk about how we can spend time with Jesus and grow in His love.

Once you've listened to the podcast, I'd love to talk with you further in the comments. What have you done lately that took courage? What's your favorite way to read the Bible?

All my best to you,


Carrying People to Jesus (and the Excuses that Stop Us)

Are you an obstacle to someone else knowing Jesus? Today, I'm going to talk about excuses we make that prevent us from carrying people to Jesus. We'll take a look at Mark 2:1-5, so grab your Bible and join me to see how we can overcome these excuses.

3 Characteristics of Christian Friendship

If we look at our Facebook page, it looks like we have a huge group of friends. But if that’s true, why are we so lonely? In this podcast, I’m going to share 3 characteristics of Christian friendships that are critical for healthy relationships.

Get Out of Your Comfort Zone: 3 Things That Keep Us From Answering God’s Call

We want so much to respond with a loud “YES!” when we feel that God has called us to move, to do something different. But many of us are afraid to get away from our comfort zone and step out in faith.
Today I’m going to share with you 3 common things that make us hesitate - or even say no - when we feel the call of God.
My hope is that after listening to this podcast you’ll be encouraged to step out in faith. Trust God’s call on your life. You’ll be so glad you did!

5 Ways to Connect with Teenagers

Teenagers. Just that one word can send us moms and dads running for the hills. Over the years, though, I've become a huge fan of young adults. I LOVE teenagers and am a strong advocate for how awesome they are! I’m not cool - never have been, as a teen myself or as an adult.  So what is the SECRET to becoming a magnet for teenagers?

In this podcast, I’m sharing with you five ways to connect with teenagers. Numbers four and five are important, but points one, two, and three are critical! And it's best to start as early as possible with your children.

The Power of S.L.A.C.K. in Communication: How to Have a Winning Relationship

I did an informal survey of married women and asked them this question: “What’s the most challenging thing about being married?” The most common answer – communication.

In today’s podcast, I’ll talk about different parts of communication: The verbal, the nonverbal, the symbolic messages, and timing. Communication can cause conflict, avoid conflict, or resolve conflict. I’ll give you a powerful tool - S.L.A.C.K. - that will help you have hard conversations without destroying your relationships.

How to Have a Christlike Attitude: 4 Steps to Change Your Attitude

Attitude! What attitude?? Did you know we aren’t called to have just a good attitude, but we’re actually called to have a Christlike attitude in ALL areas of our lives, not just the easy areas? Sometimes people and circumstances can make that, well...really hard!

Because we can’t always change our circumstances or the people around us, we need to choose to change something about ourselves. In today’s video, we'll talk about four ways to change your attitude.